Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Tomorrow, we will be heading back to Ann Arbor with Kai. 

Last week Kai became cyanosed intermittently. Turning blue is a sign of low oxygen saturation levels. Naturally, since his surgery was aimed at reconstructing the right side of his heart so that blood could become oxygenated, blue was definitely not what Chris and I planned on seeing. We didn't think that low oxygen sats were really even a possibility anymore.

The doctors didn't think so either. In fact, as his primary cardiologist put it, " there is nowhere in his heart for blue blood to shunt to the systemic side anymore." 

So, we'll head back to our "home away from home" tomorrow and see if Kai's team can figure a few things out. On a positive note, he had chest x-rays done to rule out a return of the pleural effusion (excess fluid around the lung), which came back normal. This is a big deal because, if it had returned, those nasty chest tubes would have needed to go back in. So, at least no chest tubes tomorrow! 

Chest tubes or no chest tubes, he is thoroughly sick of all things medical. Terrified, actually. This afternoon we headed over to my grandparents' house; as soon as we walked through the door, Kai began sobbing. The last time he saw them was when they came to visit at Mott...he thought they were going to "bring me back a hospital." See what I mean?! He's convinced that everything and everyone is meant to inflict pain upon him.  I hate for him to have to endure more needles and machines and hospitals. 

On a totally different note, the beginning of July is bringing a lot of new and exciting adventures for our family.  We got to celebrate the 4th of July for the first time as a family of 4...Kai's first as a U.S. citizen! Fireworks and sparklers were a great distraction from medication and doctor appointments.

We also get to celebrate BOTH boys' birthdays later this week! Last year we got to send a present to the orphanage for Kai; I have a feeling that it is going to be much more enjoyable to get to celebrate it with him :) I'll be sure to post pictures this weekend!


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