Thursday, March 9, 2017

more testing!

Just a quick update since my last post...

While I was supposed to have surgery this afternoon, we had small change in plans. I am now scheduled for an MRI tomorrow. With the MRI, the surgeon and oncologist are looking for a couple of things, including any signs that the cancer has metastasized. I will also be having genetic testing done to check for the BRCA mutation. Both tests are recommended because, according to the surgeon, I'm "just a kid" (tell that to my wrinkles and crackling joints in the morning!). Both tests are expedited, so we should have results very soon....and results will impact treatment options after surgery. Additionally,because I will have lymph nodes removed during surgery I will begin occupational therapy on Monday. Therapy will continue after surgery as well.

The one new piece of information that we have learned during my pre-op appointment yesterday is that it is likely that I will have my ovaries removed, too.

As I was leaving yet another appointment this afternoon I was feeling grumpy about the entire situation. I'm in quite a bit of pain, so that doesn't help matters any. But, I quickly checked Facebook and was overwhelmed by what I saw.

Even colleagues that weren't at school sent support!

We even got love during Lincoln's Walk Program today...thanks Tammy for sending them to me!

And then there are the ZPS families. Right now I have 74 emails in my inbox from parents/students (sorry, I know I won't have a chance to respond to all of them tonight 😊). Here are just few notes that were sent our way.

ZPS...I'm not even sure what to say other than I love you guys!


  1. Praying for all of you!

  2. There was a sea of pink in the hallways of Lincoln today Jen! Also a sea of prayers wrapping around you, Chris, Sam and Kai as well as the rest of your family. On Facebook I could see many posts requesting prayers for you all.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I will never forget that amazing day and all the tears and joy as we were so overwhelmed by God's goodness and timing! click here


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