Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday update

Here is an update that my mom shared on Facebook late last night:

Thanks so much for all the continued prayers for Kai. It has been a roller coaster of a week. Tuesday night and yesterday were rough. Just when you think he has turned the corner another crisis starts. I think he likes to keep everyone on their toes. His oxygen dropped in the 60's at one point and was very lethargic. We are blessed that he has a great medical team working for him and we continue to pray for answers and healing.

After going downhill yesterday afternoon/last night, he has made progress today (Friday). During the night, the staff here drained fluid from his lung to help with breathing. This has helped greatly with keeping his oxygen levels up. Since his heart and lung function was doing well this morning, he was able to get out of the bed for a short while. We got to carry him down to the playroom for a while, where he loved just sitting and watching Sam play with Matchbox cars. That movement took a lot of of his little body, so he's exhausted and nauseous, which is to be expected. He's also a bit crabby, so I'm glad that he's finally taking a nap!

This mama's heart just needs him to continue getting better...and no more setbacks!
So, hopefully I'll have some more good progress to report in the next few days! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the update, Jen! It's so good to hear that he is doing OK. What a trooper! We will continue to pray for healing, strength, stamina for all, and peace, and continue to hold you all close to our hearts. Praying too that his lungs stop filling with fluid and that his oxygen stays in a good range. Our God is more powerful than we can even imagine! I'm thankful we can entrust little Kai to Him! :)


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