Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gotcha Day

So, we have been in Zhengzhou since Sunday but have not had any wifi connection. So, it looks like I have a lot of posting and updating to do. I was going to start by posting pictures of our trip to the Great Wall, which we visited while still in Beijing, but I'm guessing most people want me to get to the good stuff..Kai!

Our Gotcha Day was Monday. This is when we received Kai and signed papers for guardianship. We arrived at the Registration office in Zhengzhou around 10:00 am. Kai was already there when we entered the building, since he had taken the bullet train with his nannies earlier that morning. It's a really good thing I put on waterproof mascara! I melted when I saw him. He was so much cuter and sweeter than any picture could ever show!

We had the chance to hold him, feed him, and I rocked him as he fell asleep. To be honest, he was quite indifferent toward us when we first met him. He didn't have much emotion at all when I first held him. He really sort of ignored me. To start building a relationship, we had the chance to feed him...yum, fish congee out of a can!

Before they left, we had the chance to speak to his caretakers. Fortunately, one of them spoke English. We took advantage of that and asked LOTS of questions. We asked about his heart, heart surgeries, special medical issues to look for, toys he liked to play with most, daytime name it, we asked about it. The updates that we received had conflicting information on them, so we really appreciated this opportunity. One caretaker in particular had a very difficult time leaving Kai. She kept coming back and wanting to hold him. Eventually, the orphanage director asked the nannies to leave, but we were thankful to get have the chance to speak to them. We also appreciate all of the love, care, and time they have given to Kai before becoming part of our family.  Kai did not have a reaction when the caretakers tears, no tantrums, no smiles...again, not much emotion at all.

Eventually, he ended up falling asleep. I think he was tired from leaving Shanghai so early in the morning and overwhelmed! So, I just got to hold his while he slept. I have to be honest and say that I loved it!

Once we left the Registration Office, we had the rest of the day to start bonding and adjusting to life as a family of four! By the end of the evening, he was calling me "mama" and was copying EVERYTHING Sam did! God is so good!

I'm working on loading the our Adoption Day pictures onto the computer. So, as soon as I get these ready, I'll do more posting!


  1. You are just beaming in the pictures! I am so happy for you, Jen!

  2. Tears of joy for your family! Will continue to pray for all of you!

  3. Hi Mrs. Timmer. It's me Katie. I'm glad to hear it's going good for your gotcha day and I hope to see your beautiful face again soon!!


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