Saturday, March 25, 2017

Quick Update

Happy Saturday morning!

Chris and I just wanted to share a really quick update since next week is surgery week. The plan right now is for surgery to take place bright and early Tuesday morning. I'm sure my sentiments will change as we're actually on the way to the hospital, but I'm so ready!

For the past couple of weeks I have been sick (flu and sinus infection) and every time I think I'm finally better, a fever comes back.  I have had this fever just hanging around now for 9 days. We found out yesterday that there is infection in the blood stream. That probably explains why I've felt so crummy! Anyway, we're working on fighting that so that it doesn't change Tuesday's plan at all. So, we'd appreciate a quick prayer that this doesn't set us back.

Obviously, the treatment plan (chemo/radiation) will be determined after surgery.

Again, we just want to thank everyone for all of the prayers and support.We definitely feel the love!
Also, I just have to share this picture...but my 3rd graders did this on the playground. They must have known I needed that yesterday!



  1. Continued prayers for you, Chris, Sam and Kai as you continue on this journey. It is amazing to see how Team Timmer is growing in numbers. God be with you this week as you get ready for surgery.

  2. Praying for you! My heart hurts for all that you have to endure. Stay strong. You have an army of prayer warriors behind you.

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    From USA.


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