Sunday, July 12, 2015

Happy birthday!

I was going to send an update after Kai's appointment in Ann Arbor on Wednesday, but time just got away from me. Between doctor appointments and both boys' birthdays this week, it has felt like there has not been a minute of down time. Now that things feel like they're finally settling down, I'll give some details...but, I'm actually going to  share some pics of our birthday celebrations first!

Celebrating birthdays is always momentous, but this year was exceptional. We got to celebrate with this big guy for the first time! He quickly realized that birthdays are a pretty good deal. Cake, presents, attention ---he loved it all! 

It did our hearts good to have him home this year to celebrate. There aren't words that can truly express how much he has blessed our family. But, while that's so true, there was a wide range of emotions involved. Our minds can't help but question what his birth parents must be thinking, feeling, and experiencing. I'm sure they wonder where he is and what is looks like and what enjoys doing.  We grieve for them that they will never have the chance of knowing.

   A child born to another woman calls me mom. The depth of the tragedy and the magnitude of the                                              privilege are not lost on me." - Jody Landers

These "big days" remind us how honored we are to have him in our family and experience life with him ---even when he's spinning in circles while trying to put on pajamas after devouring birthday cake!

Happy birthday Sam and Kai. We love you to the moon and back!

On a totally different note...

 I just want to put in plug for the upcoming Magical Wishes 5K. For those of you who love to run or walk, this is a fundraiser for Make-A-Wish, a fabulous organization that grants  "the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy."  As a Wish family, we would love to see the streets of Hamilton packed with runners and walkers supporting Make-A-Wish! For more details, visit the race website:

If participating in the 5K is not for you, we'd love for you to consider sponsoring us (Chris and Jen). We are running on behalf of Mended Little Hearts of West Michigan. MLH provides resources and support networks for families dealing with congenital heart defects. Sponsoring is easy; just go to and fill out the sponsorship form. Look for Kai's name under the "Select Your MLH Runner" tab. 

We appreciate your support!

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