Sunday, June 14, 2015

Saturday update

 This pair of jeans will never be the same after last night/todayI’m pretty sure they were vomited on about every 3 hours for the past 29 hours. I’m thinking that a trip to Gap outlet for a new pair will need to be in my future soon!

But, aside from being extremely nauseous, Kai had quite an uneventful day, medically speaking anyway. After having his lung drained of fluid, his oxygen levels have been relatively stable. In fact, everyone here can’t get over how well the surgery has worked and how much blood is now able to get to his lung to be oxygenated. With oxygen levels consistently in the 70s before, we were so used to seeing him always at least “dusky” that we are constantly amazed at how pink his skin, lips, and fingernails are now that his O2 saturation levels are in the 90s! 

I know he has a long road ahead of him, but as he continues to recover from surgery I’m excited that he will finally feel well. (Although, I have to admit that I’m a little nervous about how much energy he is going to have now that his little heart is repaired!)

Kai did get to have a few tubes removed todayhis mediastinal chest tube and his pacing wires. His m.s. chest tube was no longer needed for drainage of blood and fluid from around his heart. He was not excited to have the tube removedor, more likely, to have stitchesbut we’re hopeful that being down to only a couple chest tubes will make moving around a bit easier.  After that came out we tried taking him down to the playroom for a whilethe look on his face tells what he thought of that!

Despite the fact that he was less than thrilled to be moved from his room, we are so excited that he was even able to get up and be moved, since this is what he looked like yet on Thursday morning... 

We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers through all of this!


  1. So glad to hear about his improvements....on to complete recovery.

  2. Love to hear about the "uneventful medical days"! Can't wait to hear about more medical milestones , as well as, personality happenings! Prayers for all of you!


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