Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rough Days

The last couple of days have been a little bit rough for Kai. He's dealing with some pressure issues in his heart. The left side of his heart still thinks that it needs to be working overtime! He is getting some treatment to attempt to relax the blood vessels in his left ventricle so it doesn't continue to work so hard. 

Since he's had a difficult couple of days, we thought we'd post some of the "fun" things that he's experienced...just to take our minds of how miserable he feels right now!

Meredith from Music Therapy has come down to sing to him a few times, which he LOVES. We are so thankful for all of the programs that they offer here!

Kai loved having Ms. Angel come to visit. We even got to see some of his silliness come out!

Kai got to get out of his room and head to Child Life to paint. It took 2 days for all of the paint to dry, but he is very proud of his multi-colored wooden elephant.

Tanya is Kai's favorite nurse. She is AMAZING! 

Our Make-A-Wish volunteers sent Kai a teddy bear. He loves it! Thank you Sue & Trista (and the entire Kimber family)!

He doesn't necessarily look thrilled in the pic, but he was excited to get outside! The courtyard here has tons of animals...he enjoys watching the chipmunks and rabbits!

PAWS was here yesterday. Unfortunately, Kai thought he was extremely no picture with him! Now that I see the picture, Sam doesn't seem to be impressed by him either! Chris and I had fun, though!

We appreciate all of your prayers and support during this journey. We're hoping for a better day today and progress to update you all on soon!


  1. I'm sure it is so hard but I am impressed that you are focusing on the good. Hi Sam! It's great to see your smiling toothless face!! We can't wait until we have you back in the neighborhood! Sending love and prayers!
    The Stoels

  2. I am so glad to see a smile or two, a day doesn't go by without the girls asking for an update and when they can visit. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers!! Miss you all, love and hugs! Mark, Ingrid, Raeghen Bethany and Scout


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