Monday, October 6, 2014

Ready or Not...


We found out today that our appointments are scheduled and confirmed in China, so we are all set to travel. The itinerary is set and tickets are purchased. That means next week Chris, Sam, and I will be on a plane ready to meet our sweet little man.  I have never felt such a range of emotions...excitement, nervousness, fear, name it, I've probably felt it today!

So, here's what our plan is:

Our flight is during the night on Tuesday/Wednesday, so we will be heading out Tuesday (the 14th) night. We will fly out of Chicago and head into Hong Kong. From Hong Kong will will be heading to Beijing. We will arrive there on Thursday (the 16th), because Beijing is 12 hours ahead of us. We plan to be in China for about 2.5 weeks.

While we are there, we will spend time in Beijing. We will also be heading to Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan Province. Jiyuan City, where Kai was born is about 2.5 hours outside of Zhengzhou. From Henan, we will also head to Guangzhou, which is located near the southern coast. We are thrilled to see and experience this beautiful country! Here is a map, so you can see the locations we will be traveling to:

Until then, It is going to be a whirlwind. We are waiting to have a conference call with our agency on Wednesday which will give specific details about our trip and appointments. Needless to say, we have a whole LOT of packing to do. I get to meet with my long-term sub tomorrow and have her spend the day with my class. There is a lot to do...a lot to think about...a lot to be thankful for. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to make this journey!

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