Sunday, May 4, 2014

What a weekend!

This weekend was a whirlwind to say the least!  We had our fundraiser garage sale on Friday and Saturday. In addition to raising money to bring home our sweet guy, here are some highlights of the weekend:

*starting weeks ago, we had so many generous people donate items for the garage sale. The amount of stuff we had was somewhat overwhelmingbut what a great problem to have!

*When I announced on Facebook that we wanted to do a bake sale, I had 6 people within 20 minutes offer to bake! All of these people were from ZPS (what an awesome place that I get to work!).

*Our sale was set to open at 12:30 on FridayChris had a rush of people shortly before 11:00!

*Shoppers were so generous, many making donations or offering that we “keep the change”!

*Many acquaintances who were unable to make it to the sale donated instead!

*The neighbor boys visited the sale often. At one point, one asked “how much more money do you need to adopt him?” He was bound and determined that we would raise enough money to cover the entire adoption!

*We got to meet a sweet, sweet little girl from the subdivision across the road who was adopted from China (their family even went through the same agency from Colorado). Sam had so much fun playing with her!

*So many people asked about our little guy, his health condition, when we get to travel, our adoption journeyand shared their experiences and support.

THANK YOU to everyone who helped us in ANY way. We appreciate it!


  1. It was so nice to spend some time with your family last Saturday. Boy, I sure wish I had been able to be at your sale when it opened. I just looked at the photos and saw several things I would've liked to grab! But, the best part was just meeting and talking with you guys.

    So excited for you!

    Jane Klingenberg

  2. Hi again:

    Not sure how to contact you privately, so here goes:

    Kendal really enjoys watching duds from Nickelodeon called "Kai-lan". She is a little Chinese American girl and the episodes include teaching of some basic Chinese words... much like Dora and Spanish. There are games that you can play online at I thought Sam might enjoy this way to learn a bit more about China... where his baby brother is waiting. :)



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