Sunday, June 1, 2014

Meet the newest Timmer

Here was Sam’s prayer tonight

I’m not sure if you caught it or not, but Sam thinks his brother is pretty cute. It’s no joke, he really is. His eyes dance. His smile shines.  We think his caretaker says it so well; that he “is like a little sapling that needs care.  With meticulous watering, he will surely grow and reach the skies.”

We are so excited that we are now able to post pictures and share a bit more about our sweet little man!


Look at that face! He melts my heart!

Meet Kai Xin. We have named him Gabriel Kai Xin, but have decided to continue to call him Kai. Kai is 22 months old and will celebrate his (estimated) birthday on July 10.  

Not even being two yet, one thing we know for sure if that he is one tough cookie. In fact, our background paperwork calls him an “amazing person.” He was born with multiple congenital heart defects such as tricuspid valve dysplasia/small right ventricular cavity, pulmonary atresia, complete inter-ventricular septum, inter-atrial septal defect, patent foramen ovale, and patent ductus arteriosus. He has had open heart surgery already, but naturally, we anticipate that he will need further treatment/surgery when he is here.

While we are excited to begin sharing more details about our little man and while we are waiting to bring him home (we’re trying to be patient!), we have a few prayer requests:

1.   That God will provide doctors and caretakers in China with wisdom and insight to continue to care for Kai. We also pray that we are prepared here to meet his medical, emotional, and spiritual needs once we bring him home.  

2.   That God will give Chris and I the wisdom and insight to help Kai adjust to us, Sam, our home, our surroundings, our language, etc. once we are home. Not only will this be an adjustment for him, but for us as well. We love him so much!

3.   That Chris and I can help Sam prepare (mentally and emotionally) for our trip to China. We know that this will not be a “fairy tale” situation, as we will be taking Kai away from the orphanage and caretakers he knows.

4.   Patience in waiting to bring him home! We do not have a travel date yet, but know that each day brings us a little closer!

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