Tuesday, September 5, 2017

quick update

The first day of school…I miss teaching already. I always knew I loved the kids in my class (and my colleagues) with my entire heart, but it takes not being there to realize just how much. I perused the 1st-day photos on Facebook today with pride (if I’m honest, with a little sadness, too). But, I’m certain that Lincoln families and staff will keep me in the loop of what’s happening there!

Now, just to keep all of you in the loop of what’s been happening in the Timmer home., here’s a brief synopsis. I know, it’s been a long time since we’ve passed along the information!  By now you should all know that we expect the unexpected. But, about a week and a half ago, I (Jen) was diagnosed with epilepsy. Epilepsy! It is the same type as Sam; the same type as my sister, Kristi. The neurologists assume that I was probably genetically predisposed, but my cancer lowered my threshold to the point where I began having seizures. So, I have now started taking antiepileptic medications and am tolerating them well. The meds have yet to control the seizure activity, but for those of you familiar with epilepsy, that would be a miracle to do so this quickly. This gives me a whole new outlook and empathy of what my child (and our sweet friend, Elena, who has different types of seizures than Sam and me) deals with daily.  These are tough kiddos!

Additionally, last week we received news that “an area” was found on my latest mammogram. We’re waiting to find out what exactly that means and will entail. But, Chris and I are incredibly thankful for my medical oncologist at the U of M Comprehensive Cancer Center for her thoroughness. We’d appreciate thoughts and prayers while we wait. Waiting is the WORST.

Thanks for all the texts and messages of encouragement today, as I do not get to return to school this year. For those of you who already knew about the epilepsy diagnosis, I appreciate your chauffeuring, since I can no longer drive. I appreciate my colleagues who were willing to cry with me when I heard the news about the new “spot.” We could not do this without you! 
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