Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Last chance...and quick updates!

I just heard that over 400 Team Timmer shirts have been ordered!! We know you will wants yours, too. You have until tonight to make your purchase...don't miss out!

Remember, if you are not in the area or able to pick your shirts up from Lincoln Elementary on the 26th, Chris and I will gladly make sure we get them to you!

Also,here are just a couple of quick updates:

Some of you know that we have hit some "bumps in the road" with Sam. He is not responding well to medications. We have an appointment coming up in Ann Arbor to look at next steps; we head to Ann Arbor, but Boston Children's Hospital is also covering his care, so the neurologists there will be able to offer input. It's great having 2 facilities that are working together for him. Also, we found out that Sam's genetic testing (chromosomal array) came back abnormal; he has extra chromosome tissue. So, we will be heading back to the geneticist to now "read" his genes to look for syndromes.

Kai has been "holding his own" for the last little while. But, as soon as we think he's in a good place, something usually comes up. He has had an increase in GI bleeding and pain lately. So, I head to Ann Arbor twice next week with him.

I meet with medical oncologists bright and early next Monday morning before heading to Ann Arbor with Kai. Because we're pretty loyal to U of M at this point (Go Blue!), I will also be heading to Ann Arbor to meet with the tumor review board and oncologists there soon. Of course, we can't forget about radiology oncology; I have appointments set up next week to meet with them.

We continue to thank everyone who has supported us in anyway!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Team Timmer shirts

After my cancer diagnosis,  my Lincoln Elementary colleagues graciously designed  t-shirts to support our family through all of our medical journeys. Online ordering for Team Timmer shirts has been open for a couple of weeks and ordering ends tomorrow, April 12!

So far, a couple hundred shirts have been ordered...and we know you will want one, too!

Below is the link to place your online order. When ordering, you will be asked for the "player name"; just put your name---this helps know who the order is going to! Also, shirts will be delivered to Lincoln Elementary, however, Chris and I are more than willing to ship them to you. If you need us to ship them, please just let us know (you can message either of us on FB or email

We appreciate all of the support!
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