Wednesday, August 3, 2016


This has been a tough week (ok, tough weeks). Insurance battles…respiratory treatments…blood clots. Those pretty well sum up what the past 3 days have been like.

In the midst of this, Chris and I had the opportunity to speak at a Make-A-Wish event tonight. We had the chance to share Kai's medical journey and how MAW helped to provide strength, joy, and hope throughout. 

Those that were involved in Kai's wish know the profound impact it had on him; he beams when he speaks of his playhouse and, most importantly, blue slide. Head on over to the Make-A-Wish Michigan website ( to see a picture of Kai that captures the essence of the joy this playhouse has brought. Certainly the wish itself has provided him with an escape--a chance to play and forget about not feeling well, something a child who has spent most of his life in institutions, either orphanages or hospitals, desperately needs.  

But, the process itself allowed him a healthy amount of control in a situation that seems uncontrollable.  There’s very little control for a young child in an orphanage; there’s no decision making in when and what to eat, when and where to sleep, what to wear. The list goes on. The same holds true for significant medical problems. Kai has no choice in medications, pokes, hospitalizations, and surgeries. He had a say in the blue slide…in having a climbing wall…in having sky and grass painted on the inside.  The barn playhouse with a blue slide gave him a voice.

This will make us forever grateful.

As such, we are looking forward to a couple events that we would like to extend an invitation to. These events support Make-A-Wish Michigan and, thus, kiddos like Kai.

The first is the Magical Wishes 5k. The race, which will be held on August 24, will take place in Hamilton. The proceeds from registrations will directly benefit Michigan kiddos waiting for wishes to be granted. Not only that, but the event is also organized by one of our fabulous Make-A-Wish volunteers, Trista!  Please visit the Magical Wishes Facebook page for more details and to register. (

The second event is the 2016 Walk for Wishes. This is an official  Make-A-Wish Michigan annual fundraiser. We would LOVE for you all to join Team Kai and come out on October 1 to complete the walk with us. It has to be noted, too, that Kai's picture is featured on the walk buttons this year; that alone is worth coming out for, right?! 

The walk is an exciting stroll through John Ball Zoo. Registration for this is free. While registration is free, walkers are encouraged to get financial donations. If walking is not your thing, we would also appreciate donations. Registrations and donations can both be made on my personal fundraising page ( OR on the Team Kai page (
It’s important to note, too, that Make-A-Wish ensures that more than 80 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to granting wishes.

We hope you can join us to help make wishes come true! Go Team Kai! 
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