Thursday, March 13, 2014


Yesterday, while Chris, Sam, and I read Jesus Calling, our morning devotions taught us 3 little words: Trust. Wait. Hope. The devotions went on to explain that faith begins with trust choose to trust His way more than our way. Then, wait. God will answer our prayers, but it will be in His perfect time and in His perfect way. But, while waiting, hope.

This devotion came at just the right time for our family. I’m sure all adoptive families experience discouragement and frustration. That’s where we have been at the last week or so. It is such a “hurry up and wait” process we rush to get paperwork completed and sent out, only to find that it takes forever to process. In all honesty, we haven’t been in the adoption process that long that I should even complain, but I just said to Chris this week that everything just takes so long and “it feels like it is never going to happen.”

So, after reading that devotion, I felt a little guilty (or a lot guilty). Of course I realized how impatient I had been! Chris and I talked that we did need to trust that God knows our baby, but that we needed to wait until God decided we were ready to reveal him/her to us. In the meantime, hope that our baby is protected and that God will help us to prepare our family for a new addition. This seemed really easy to say, but really hard to dobut what other choice is there?!


Chris received the call from our agency in Colorado this morning, saying that we have been matched with the sweetest little boy. Naturally, Chris called me at school. In 13 years of teaching, I don’t think I’ve ever cried in front of my students before. Well, today it was all out sobbing and shaking! There was not much holding back! What an emotionally draining, but thrilling day it has been!

Nowthe details. We can’t say much, only that it is a boy and he is ADORABLE. Seriously, I know I’m the mama, but this babe is ridiculously cute! Now that I’m not bawling anymore, his face just makes me giggle. He is 1.5 years old and chubby as can be. Really, is there anything more precious than a chubby Chinese baby?! He does have a congenital heart defect, which will require further surgery once he is home. Tomorrow begins the process of meeting with doctors and discussing his heart condition. We hope to learn more, find treatment options, and begin to wrap our minds around what this will look like. We are absolutely blessed to live so close to excellent medical teams.

As we begin to prepare for welcoming our babe into our home and seeking medical advice, we would greatly appreciate your prayers. We cannot wait for all of you to see and meet our little guy!

P.S. Can you tell there is an excited Grandma? She's already made a run to TipToes! Of course, the boys needed matching Great Wall of China pajamas!
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