Sunday, November 9, 2014

adoption video

Here is just a super short post...

Click here to see a video of our adoption (China, October 2014)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

What a difference a week makes

So, in my last post I had to write about the reality that comes with the adoption process. There is a lot of grieving that takes place...and Kai experienced it intensely. We were so excited to see him because we had been looking at his pictures since March. We felt like we already knew him and were living life each day with him in our hearts and minds. He, however, knew nothing of us. He knew only of his facility and the nannies who cared for him. We didn't look like anyone he had ever seen; we didn't speak the same language; we didn't do things the same as the nannies. Realizing that he was leaving them to live with complete strangers was tough. But, it was good. It was good for him to be able to mourn that loss and for us to be part of that with him. It was good for us to see that he had formed strong bonds with the nannies that had cared for him and that he cherished those relationships. Honestly, I would have been more concerned if he showed no emotion at all! We know that his grieving is not done by any means. I know that someday he will grieve not knowing who is birth parents (and not being able to ever find out who they are), where he was born, and so on. It is hard to watch him grieve, but it is necessary for him to go through. I came home from China to a great surprise...and a great reminder (thanks, Christy Boeve!):

But, for now, a week has made all the difference in the world. He is a totally different kiddo than he was last week at this time. His tears and screaming have been replaced by laughing and giggles. His eyes literally twinkle. He sings and sings and sings. I have to try to video him singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". This was a song that he came to us knowing in English and it melts my heart every time he belts it out. His name, Kai Xin, means "happy"; there could not be a more perfect name for him. Don't get me wrong...he is still a 2 year old boy who is going to test the limits. But, he is just a riot. God has given him such a magnetic personality. You can't help but fall in love with him!

This little guy has been through so much, especially considering his medical issues. We know that when he has had his heart surgeries he was there alone in the hospital most of the time. So, I can only imagine that he associates hospitals and doctors with pain and being alone. I know I would! Well, one of our turning points came last week at his medical exam in Guangzhou.  For part of his exam, Chris and I were not allowed to come in the room. When he was brought back out, he kept saying, "Mama, Baba. Mama, Baba" over and over again.  I think he was surprised that we were still there, not just dropping him off with doctors to have a procedure done. He needs consistency to know that we will be there for him and that we will meet his needs. I think as he realizes that we are there for him, he trusts us more and more!

 Thanks for all of the encouragement and prayers as we welcomed Kai and he welcomed us!

And, of course, I have some more pics to share!

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