Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Haven and Lifesong

I've been meaning to post since Sunday, but with heading back to school this week, life just got a lot more hectic! Now that Sam and I have a few days under our belt, I thought I’d post before we head out of town this weekend for my brother’s wedding! I’m actually hoping to get in one more posting/update before we leave Friday, but we’ll see if that actually happens or not!

Sunday morning we (Chris, Sam, and I) had the opportunity to worship at Haven Reformed Church in Hamilton. This was not a new place for us, as Chris had done an internship there while in seminary. He also worked as a small group coordinator after he graduated. We had developed many good friendships there and it was good to be back around people whom we don’t get to see nearly as often as we should. In fact, all of Sam’s “highs” Sunday were from our time at Haven yesterday we got to see a baby get baptized; he got to eat cake with his good buddy, Sophia; he got to see Miss Daryl, his swim instructor who he absolutely adores; after the service his book buddy from school came running up to give him a high five.

Of course, our time there was not just to attend the worship service, but to be part of it. Being a pastor, this was natural for Chris. Not so much for me. I’m used to being with 3rd graders, not large crowds and microphones! But, I sure love talking about our little man, so that made it a bit easier.  While we were there we had the opportunity to share a bit about our adoption journey so far. It was good to share our story with a congregation that has so many members who have adopted!

We were also asked to speak about working with Lifesong for Orphans. Recently, Haven had decided to partner with Lifesong for Orphans to provide financial assistance for families in the adoption process.  Haven had decided to set aside money in order to provide low interest loans or matching grants for adoption costs; Lifesong manages the application process and funds. Earlier in the year, a member from Haven contacted us about our adoption, specifically the funding of our adoption. He wondered if we would be in need of or interested in receiving some financial assistanceum, yes, please!!!  After applying, we received a matching grant! (Some of you have asked about the Lifesong donation button on the side of our blog page this is where that comes in. All of the donations made to Lifesong through this link are part of the matching grant that we received.) We are so thankful to Haven for their support, not only financially, but also for all of the love that they showed to us and Kai. This boy has no idea how much he is loved!

Thanks so much to EVERYONE who has loved on us and our boy through this process. We’re still waiting on our Article 5 (which we think should be here soon!) and our Travel Approval. After that, travel plans start to be made!

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